In May, 2020, EXPO Volunteers came out to work the land, clearing the area of barriers to the new construction about to begin. Yep, Tony Wright cut that big tree down, Steve Weidert worked tirelessly to free large branches that had been cut and then were bound again by grass growing it back to the earth, and JR Martin moved trees to eventual burn pyres.
These folk, giving time, talent, and treasure, represent many others working to bring the EXPO vision to life.
To raise $3,098,879.14, nearly half of all the funds needed to finish the project, grants have been written, telethons occurred, there were info dessert bars all over the county where questions were answered and concerns shared, there were pig auctions, letters written, hundreds of informative meetings in homes and at group meetings, phone calls were made, recommitment ceremonies occurred, volunteers cleared land.
The Henry County EXPO Center — worth the effort!